***rapper bobby shmurda’s arrest: Black men are stars of the genocidal minstrel show***messymandella* If you denied bail you are dumb!**


Epic Records has proven the world, the importance and loyalty, and well-being of Bobby Shmurda. He Shmoney Danced for them and they laughed and they exploited him, and left his ass in jail.

    Before you judge the video or the message,honestly admitthat if you ask  your mother’s and grandparents, they would tend to co-sign what this elder is  expressing.You must have  an open mind, to debate and discuss our community issues, but also reevaluate what we  as a culture must separate from the stereotypes that plaque or demise and our self preservation.



I love SCARFACE and Nino Brown  but are fully aware  how the capitalism  and  and fake admiration and  groupies that can be the rapper’s  own demise.

At first, I was going to curse this man this hell out, but are we portraying this?

Once again, Would your elderly family  and community  members at large, agree or disagree?

Yeah, ask them.

I did and   that most over the age of 60 years old believed this man.
As I protected and defended Hip Hop, I thought about the music companies, that push this  negative agenda, as they did with Rapper Chief Keef.
His  record contract has created many RIP shirts in Chicago,and there undoublty will be many more. He did not murder the fellow Chiraquians, but  his cousin Blood Money, LA Capone, Lil Jo Jo, OTF Nu Nu,  and  a myriad of others..
Of course in regards to Bobby Shmurda, who has a highly likely chance of being in prison for a long time, the lyrics were in our face  and the FEDS were watching.
We danced and laughed until the potential meaning behind the song, not assuming that the  possibly lyrics were factual.
Then it dawned me that we have be dancing to an indictment..
 We have created Vines and videos  over  a  hot beat and possibly someone’s murder confession.


Then again, if you were aiming to be the next  Talib Kwali, Common, or Bahamadia you will never enter Nicki Minaj status.
We dumb down music,because we don’t think our culture is intelligent enough to identify the issues we are facing at hand.
The majority of men  in the game has been shot or stabbed or beat up. Some all three have taken place.

It is a common practice and accepted, just like always traveling with entourage for safety precautions. 
I love Hip Hop music  but I don’t want lives to end because of something someone said that ended  in tragedy.
Bravado and Bullying can  steal a father from his children, and the lyrics that we assume are just  music can be a  blue print of life for a child.
Should we edit rap music and make it all pg-13?
No, we should govern our households and be accountable for our youth.

  No amount of validity can be fully accepted by people outside the game.
We can’t protest and  say #AllBlackLiveMatters and  turn around and end black lives…


If #BlackLivesMatter then we should not murder each other…

If Epic Records were not exploiting Bobby Shmurda, he would not still be in prison.

He is still in  prison and they could have bailed him out last month.
It is almost like they know he is not worth the time, due to a case so they are cutting their losses.They apparently since truth in Bobby’s destruction and  decided the message would suffer from backlash, facing trial.

If he murdered, he was wrong and needs to be right where the hell he at…
If he has only an indictment, and has not a chance to even defend his allegations,Epic Records is unethically bias to leave him in that cell.

They don’t believe him, or they have decided to glance at the cover of the book, but skim through the pages. They are cutting their losses, playing golf off of the money they made from his talent…

Bobby  is chilling at Cell block 6.  Even with Bobby having  a lawyer and a  million dollar record company, he hasn’t

updated his Twitter since December 16,2015?

Epic Records played him.

 Some of us simply can’t imagine leaving the game unless by the hand of God, or by the help from a district attorney.
Sadly, His father is in the “Belly Of The Beast!”
  We must review our reputations and learn from  a dance, an idea, a record label and elders who stopped believing in Hip-Hop’s message.

If the elder’s are against Hip Hop’s message, why? Maybe because it is a revolving door where some can recite their prison number more than their own social security number?

How many more  having these mandatory family reunions that ultimately lead to our men’s demise?

When will the public and bias media groups open a dialogue in our community instead of watching a Vevo video and further pushing the agenda,  that ALL RAP MUSIC  is dangerous and reckless.

 Bobby Shurmada tap danced for Epic Records, and  you noticed they left  his ass behind bars.

If you assume that it isn’t because of the music maybe a confession,you are blind to the facts. 

Let it be said, we have the time and the intellect  to prove the Anti-Hip Hop Activist wrong.

We can’t let the bias media put Hip Hop in a box, we didn’t build this genre of music to murder or destroy our communities… 

We create an image, that is destructive and it will steal from the craft, IF we live it off wax.

I have never heard anyone say, “Girl, they were shooting at the the Jonus Brother’s concert!” 

However, The Migos have shoot outs before and after the concert, and at the after party.

  If the Migo’s were in trouble, they would be locked up too, and left to survive and collect their own bail.

After these record companies, exploit the culture and you have shuck and jived for them, you are

thrown away with a permanent negative scar on the culture, ask Bobby.